10 Celebrities With Stinky Feet

Thought celebrities don’t suffer from smelly feet because they look neat and clean? Boy you are wrong.

The following popular names are known to emit a “disturbing” scent. Some of them have other personal hygiene issues too.

1. Britney Spears

First on the list is celebrity pop singer Britney Spears. She has been involved in too many controversies particularly on misbehavior and questions on her abilities as a mother.

But apparently, she also has problems taking care of herself especially on hygiene. In a sexual harassment complaint filed by her former bodyguard Fernando Flores, it also stated that Spears can go on days without taking a bath, without tooth brushing, using a deodorant, and not wearing shoes and socks.

Her stinky feet were discovered during a flight from LA to New York. To make herself more comfortable, she took her shoes off which caused the air around her to smell very bad.

Several passengers, the stench in their nostrils, complained about Britney’s odor prompting the flight crew to ask her to put her shoes back on.

According to reports, Britney’s excuse was that the shoes are making her feet smell and not the other way around. But thankfully, she complied and worn the shoes back.

2. Lindsay Lohan

Another controversial celebrity with a bad feet odor is Lindsay Lohan. But instead of hygiene, Lindsay’s problem is more on recurring fungal infection or athlete’s foot.

According to one of her closest friends, it’s been her problem and source of embarrassment since her teenage years. And on an interview with Oprah Winfrey, she admitted that her feet are the body parts she hated most.

Her smelly feet have also put her in a number of embarrassing situations like when her feet had almost ruined private house party. She was photographed with excessive amounts of foot powder one day. No wonder she’s now hesitant to dine in Japanese restaurants.

3. Kate Hudson

On the interesting side of things is Kate Hudson. Why interesting? Because Kate considers her smelly feet as an advantage.

Kate is proud to tell everyone that her feet odor actually helped her win her former husband Chris Robinson’s heart.

In one of their dates, she had to take off her shoes to show Chris her feet scars. She was embarrassed with the odor but Chris responded that it was actually “cute”.

4. Jessica Biel

If you want a celebrity with a real online proof about her smelly feet, it’s Mrs. Timberlake, Jessica Biel. In a 2008 YouTube/online video which has been viewed by millions, Jessica removes her shoes, sniffs them, and eventually admits that they stink.

A huge turn off to most folks but there are also those (especially men) who think otherwise.

5. Natalie Portman

The multi-awarded Hollywood actress Natalie Portman is also part of the list. But compared to all other stars, it’s not even a big deal for her since this actress is known to be humble or true to herself.

Feet odor has been an issue since her teenage years. In one of her interviews during her freshman year at Harvard, it was also cited that Natalie has the habit of being apologetic whenever she removes her Gucci shoes in front of other people.

6. Tara Reid

If you think having smelly feet is already a huge problem, wait until you read about Tara Reid’s feet hatred. Yes that’s correct. She doesn’t only hate the smell but the entire feet as well. According to her, it’s the least attractive and most disgusting body part.

She believes that the feet are always meant to be dirty, weird looking, and smelly. Similar with most individuals, the problem started since childhood.

She remembered being afraid of stepping her foot away from the bed and was always hesitant when her daddy instructs her to remove his shoes every time he comes home from work. According to Tara, she would just cry instead of doing so since she knows it would smell so bad.

7. Elvis Presley

A number of stars from the past were also noted to have feet odor. Based on reports, accounts, and biographies, the King of Rock and Roll had a problem with personal hygiene. It never came to the King’s mind to prevent foot odor.

Just like Britney Spears, Elvis didn’t like the idea of regular washing or bathing. Instead, he would just try to mask the smell with cologne. His former band mates constantly complained about his terrible feet odor.

And even his mother had troubles at laundry time, reportedly she had to wear gloves and a face mask just to handle the putrid laundry.

 8. Kimberly Stewart

Rod Stewart’s daughter is rumored to have to pre-wash her feet before getting a pedicure. One day, Kimberly entered the Beverly Hills W magazine Oscar Hollywood retreat house for a spa treatment, when she took off her shoes the pedicurist is rumored to have responded:

“her feet stunk so [****ing] bad that the pedicurist refused to do her toes . . . or anybody else’s for the rest of the day.”

9. Kanye West

According to The National Enquirer, the American supermarket tabloid revered for its in-depth investigative journalism, Kanye’s feet are smelly too. In fact it’s so bad that it makes Kim Kardashian cower. The tabloid that excels in hanging out celebrities dirty laundry reports:

“Kim adores Kanye, but one thing that turns her off big-time is bad B.O. She says Kanye’s feet smell like rotten cheese when he takes off his shoes, so she insists he washes them every night and coats them in baby powder before he can get into bed with her.”

10. Christina Ricci

We’re not sure if the odor Christina Ricci’s feet emit is as putrid and sense-assaulting as some of the other stinky celebrity feet on this list.  Wat is commonly known is that Christina’s feet smell like popcorn.

“I like the way my own feet smell. I love to smell my sneakers when I take them off.”

Can’t get enough of celebs with stinky feet?

Check out these TikTok videos for more the latest news and gossip about celebrities with sweaty feet. Watch it all, from quotes like “I don’t know how to explain it but I just know Kendall Jenner has really smelly feet” till a pesky interviewer asking Ariana Grande if her feet smell. And more..

About foot odor

Foot odor is definitely a humiliating concern that affects a large part of the population regardless of social status, gender, or age.

Among the most common causes include excessive feet sweating, bacterial and fungal overgrowth, or simply poor hygiene.

Do you have smelly feet too? Make sure to wash them well, use the best antiperspirant you can get, and wear socks that reduce sweating.

18 thoughts on “10 Celebrities With Stinky Feet

  1. This kind of stigma reduces even the most elitist of luminaries to mere human beings. While it isn’t good for them, it edifies the public with the knowledge that mortal man puts such entities in a pedestal. These revelations bring all celebrities down to earth, paralleling them to the common man.

  2. It goes without saying the content above is so accurate for various reasons. It stays away from the common errors and mistakes most fall into- getting horrible alternatives. Greatly appreciated!

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